Adding Geocache Locations
April 15, 2011

The forth tab on the Add form also lets you directly go to If you’re not familiar with Geocaching, it’s a game of hide and seek. Items are hidden at GPS location, and you find them, exploring new places along the way. Sometimes multi-caches are made, where a puzzle is solved along the way to find the next cache.


Adding Geocaching Locations

  1. Tap the globe to visit the web content (this part needs an internet connection, once you have the location to visit, you can navigate on compass and GPS alone without an internet connection).
  2. Tap Geocaching you will be taken to website. You need to login or sign-up for an account to use this site. Geocaching will show a list of nearby caches, tap one you want to visit in the web page.
  3. Here you see the page has a geo-tag on it, showing the location of cache. Donde recognises the first of these on any page and offers it as a waypoint along the bottom of the page.
  4. Here the location of GC2ATW2, 500 metres south of my location is shown. I can tap Add to add this Geocache as a waypoint.

For multi-caches, add the later waypoints using the GPS tab as you solve each puzzle.